Most people need to spend most of their time indoors, but different people must be different. Which people are more important to them than the quality of the indoor air?
Office staff
As the office space is relatively closed, plus more people, air is not circulated, formaldehyde is not easy to distribute, oxygen content is relatively low, so it is easy to lead to the fragile body and brain metabolism of the office. Long term can lead to dizziness, chest tightness, and fatigue, which greatly affect the efficiency of our work, and induce a variety of diseases, which can cause cancer and other diseases seriously.
Group of pregnant women
Because of the fat of women, the benzene absorbed in the contaminated room is stored in the fat. We all know that benzene is mainly produced by decoration pollution, and will have adverse effects on the development of embryo and fetus. In addition, the formaldehyde in the decoration pollution can cause chronic respiratory diseases, women's menstrual disorder, and the fetus' physical weakness. The high concentration of formaldehyde will have different effects on the nervous system and immune system, and the most serious condition can induce the fetal kits and infantile white blood disease.
Children and old people
Children in their various aspects are in development, the immune system is more vulnerable than adults, if indoor decoration pollution will seriously affect children's intellectual development, but also induce blood diseases, increase the incidence of asthma, affect the development of children's height. Similarly, elderly people are also more vulnerable to indoor air quality because of low immunity.
Ge hair environmental science and Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (15000161622) specialized in Shanghai formaldehyde, Shanghai formaldehyde treatment, Shanghai formaldehyde test, Shanghai air purification, is a professional in formaldehyde, benzene, TVOC and other pollutants detection management company. Professional service: school, training institutions, office places, guesthouse, hotel, home The court provides indoor air pollution detection, treatment and environmental assessment.
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